The New Membership Portal
As a member you should have received an email from BRC and Sport 80 regarding your membership.All membership will now be done through the Sport 80 website
You will need to set up your own account using your email address using the link below
As from 1st January 2024 - Membership now be rolling i.e. if you join on say 1st March 2024 your membershipwill expire on 28th February 2025 not as before on the 31st December 2024. BRC affiliation fee permember is £24 and this will go straight to BRC and the club will get the remainder of the money minus ½ the transaction fee which you pay as member (75p) You have been generated a membershipreference number which will now be your BRC membership number every year going forward.
Affiliated to British Riding Clubs
We are based in Rutland with around 80 members from a wide area stretching from Melton Mowbray to Peterborough, Stamford and Grantham. We aim to run a busy programme of events each year with regular competitions in dressage and some show jumping. Training is regularly available in most disciplines and for riders of differing abilities. The events take place at various venues in the area as we are not based at one particular place.
The club is affiliated to British Riding Clubs and comes within Area 16. We are regularly represented at Riding Club Area Competions with teams and individuals in the very wide choice of disciplines available. We have riders representing us at the various Championships most years with some notable successes.
We are always happy to welcome new members, whatever their riding capabilities. For our non riding members we aim to run social events, lectures and demonstrations when possible.